ISOLA 2016 Conference, 5th-14th October 2016

The ISoLA 2016 conference is the 7th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal, Methods, Verification and Validation. Ingrid Chieh Yu from SIRIUS is on the programme committee.

Details of the conference can be found at

Ingrid is also organizing the track Variability modeling for scalable software evolution
ICT is becoming increasingly integrated into our everyday environment, distributed on cars, appliances, and any kind of devices, in several different variants evolving continuously according to customer needs. The aim of this special track is to bring together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss cutting edge technology from software product lines, software upgrades and scalable cloud to support highly individualized and reconfigurable distributed applications. Topics of special interest within the track are a) frameworks, languages, and methodologies, b) cloud and mobile as well as c) context-awareness. The individual contributions are put into the context of variability modelling for scalable software evolution.

Watch this space and our twitter feed for reports from this important conference for the cloud stream in SIRIUS.