Page 10 - Sirius_Annual_Report_2021
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 Recently, SMOL was extended by:
(1) a novel type system6 that integrates query containment and description logic reasoning to ensure formal safety properties for SMOL programs,
(2) a new data loading mechanism using lazy data structures and future, akin to the mechanism found in the ABS modelling language,
(3) an integration of simulation units based on the industrial FMI standard which gives additional safety guarantees concerning correct connections between simulation units through both static type system and dynamic runtime monitoring using SHACL shapes.
SMOL is being developed in the context of the project PeTwin, as a co-simulation framework to orchestrate different Functional Mock-ups Units7 (FMUs), developing methods towards predictive and prescriptive analysis for Digital Twins.
Combining Rewriting logic with Semantic Technology
Rewriting logic8 (RL) is a logical framework in which other logics can be represented and a framework for transition systems,
in which many different models of concurrency, distributed algorithms, programming languages, and different systems can be naturally represented, executed and analysed as rewrite theories9, which include a set of rewriting rules expressing state transitions. Semantic Technologies covers different techniques to attach semantic meaning to data, as a formal and conceptual description of a relevant domain. The combi- nation of formal methods and Semantic Technology is used in this project to capture the knowledge of the geology domain and to do multi-scenario reasoning on geological processes. More details about this combination can be found in the geological multi-scenario reasoning project at SIRIUS10.
REMARO: Reliable Marine Robotics
REMARO11 is a European Training Network (ETN) on Reliable artificial intelligence
for marine robotics. It started in December 2020 and it is funded by the EU Horizon 2020. REMARO ETN is a consortium of experts in submarine AI, software reliability and marine safety certification (DNV). REMARO ETN is created to educate
15 PhD students, two of them at University of Oslo (UiO). REMARO will develop technology for AI methods with quantified reliability, correctness in specifications, models, tests, and analysis & verification for autonomous systems.
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