Page 47 - Sirius_Annual_Report_2021
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SIRIUS OBDA Subsurface Pilot
Subsurface digital transformation is about overcoming
the bottleneck of data access and increasing the quality of interpretations by means of the better use of data. The data access bottleneck is substantial as up to 70% of subsurface experts’ time is spent finding, accessing, integrating, and cleaning data before analysis can even start. (Putting the FOCUS on Data, W3C Workshop on Semantic Web in Oil & Gas Industry, Jim Crompton)
Viewed from the Geoscientist, it is hard to get an overview of all available data related to an area of interest, as this data is spread over different applications and many internal and external data sources. No unified view is, as a rule, available up front, though Project Data Managers (PDMs) assist.
It is difficult to extract data from databases; should complex
queries have to be written, Central Data Managers (CDMs) typically assist. It is challenging to extract data and information based on geological and petrophysical attributes (see the user scenario example below) as it is not possible to execute
these types of queries simultaneously on multiple data sources. It is challenging to integrate datasets before analysis can start: this is often tedious manual work that the geo- scientists must do themselves. It is incredibly difficult to extract data and knowledge from the text documents as
there are very few tools that can deal with the contents
of unstructured documents and reports. Geoscientists are well aware of the limitations of the workflow. As a result, valuable analyses on data are too often not performed, and possibilities in data are too often not detected.
Complex information need, Uniform sources
Example: Find all Wells with Cores within the AOI
Complex information need, Disparate sources
Find all Wells with Cores overlapping with Hugin Formation with core Permeability > 1mD and Porosity > 10%. Wells where Hugin Fm is Hydrocarbon bearing. Return Well ID, Porosity, Permeability & Final well report
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