Jia-Chun (Kelly) Lin was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oslo and is now Assistant Professor at NTNU Gjøvik. She worked on HyVar project, especially in the part of modelling the HyVar toolchain and designing an optimal scalability mechanism for the toolchain. Together with Einar, Ingrid, and Ming-Chang Lee, we developed an ABS-YARN framework and an SSP framework to model and simulate Hadoop YARN and Spark Streaming, respectively. These two frameworks are highly configurable for users to specify different parameters and to predict possible execution performance of applications. In addition, I am also working on distributed recommendation system, privacy exposure for IoT smart homes, and automatic LSTM-RNN customization for predicting fine-grained traffic speed in large-scale transportation networks.
Scientific interests: Parallel and distributed systems, cloud computing, big data analysis, machine learning, and data mining.
What triggers me scientifically: Doing research sometimes is painful, but I enjoy the process of solving difficult but interesting problems. When I conquer them, the happiness is more than anything.