Xing Cai is a professor in scientific computing at University of Oslo and a chief research scientist at Simula Research Laboratory. He is currently PI of the IKT-PLUSS project “Meeting Exascale Computing with Source-to-Source Compilers” and co-PI of the FRINATEK project “Productivity and Energy Efficiency through Abstraction-based Parallel Programming”. He is also one of the two scientific leaders for the new national eX3-infrastructure: “Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing”. In addition, he was PI of the finished FRINATEK project “User-friendly programming of GPU-enhanced clusters via automated code translation and optimisation”. His main research interests centre around developing numerical algorithms and software that can effectively use cutting-edge parallel platforms. In the context of SIRIUS, he is coordinating Simula’s research contributions to the strand of Scalable Computing through hardware-compatible numerics, parallel programming and high-performance computing.
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