This document will introduce IMF and how IMF can be used to enable new ways of working for engineering of Facility Assets, from the design begins and until the asset facility is decommissioned. In Chapter 2 background knowledge for understanding the IMF concept is given. A brief introduction to the IMF concept and how this solves the problem statement in Section 1.1 is presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 formalizes the IMF Language and gives an overview of the different elements, relations, and rules in IMF. Chapter 5 is a guide for how to use IMF to model Facility Assets. Chapter 6 is a guide of how to create the building blocks in the IMF Models. An overview of the foreseen eco-system of applications is given in Chapter 7. At the end of the document a number of appendices covering topics of IMF that might be of interest for certain readers are provided.
For readers that are intended users of IMF (i.e., use IMF for modelling Facility Assets) the entire document excluding appendices should be read in order to get the necessary understanding of IMF and recommendation to how to start modelling Facility Assets.
For readers wanting an overall understanding of the concept of IMF, reading Chapters 1, 2 & 3 should be sufficient. Optionally, Chapter 7 can be read to get an understanding of how an implementation of an IMF eco-system is intended to work.