ABS Tools and Methods
ABS is a language for Abstract Behavioral Specification of distributed and concurrent systems, which supports the modelling of resource restrictions and resource management. It combines implementation-level specifications with verifiability, high-level design with executability, and formal semantics with practical usability. ABS is a concurrent, object-oriented, modelling language that features functional data types. It is designed to develop executable models with a parallel, object-oriented program flow and targets distributed and concurrent systems by means of concurrent object groups and asynchronous method calls. The time model of ABS enables modeling of time-aware, discrete event simulation scenarios. Model variability support is based on feature models and delta-oriented specifications. Deployment modelling can be based on high-level deployment models. The ABS system supports the modelling of resource-aware and resource-restricted systems and provides a range of techniques for model exploration and analysis, based on formal semantics. ABS models can react to external stimuli and make simulation state and results available as structured JSON data.
This webpage contains only abstract information. For detailed information on methodology and applications, please visit the ABS homepage https://abs-models.org