Evgeny Kharmalov – Associate Professor

SIRIUS Scientific Coordinator

Ontology Engineering

Semantic Integration

Digital Twins

Evgeny Kharlamov is a Research Scientist at Bosch Centre for Artificial Intelligence and an associate professor and Scientific corrdinator in SIRIUS. Evgeny’s work has led to 100+ publications including top tier international conferences and journals. His work on industrial applications of semantic technologies has several times won or been nominated to best paper awards at prestigious conferences. He has worked in the Optique project and in a joint Siemens-EPSRC funded OSSA project on semantic analytics. Evgeny’s research interests span different aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technologies with applications in Industry 4.0, (Big) Data Integration, light-weight ontology reasoning, ontology-to-DB mapping bootstrapping, end-user-oriented data access interfaces, and ontology evolution and privacy.