The SIRIUS centre is a full member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA). The BDVA is a European Private-Public Partnership organisation that works with the European Commission to identify research and innovation needs in the area of big data. SIRIUS' membership is on behalf...

SIRIUS is contributing to and participating in the Optique Project Summit on 15th September, hosted by the The University of Oxford. The summit will review the EU Project Optique's claim to bring about a paradigm shift for data access, by providing a semantic end-to-end connection between users...

SIRIUS will be participating at the SPE Intelligent Energy Conference in Aberdeen 6th-8th September 2016. A paper will be presented on the use of the products from the Optique project to improve the effectiveness of data access in Statoil's exploration department. The paper, entitled ‘Optique: Simple, Oil &...

The European Data Forum was held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, at the end of June 2016. SIRIUS was represented at the conference and the Optique project was a gold sponsor. The theme of the conference was "Scaling up the European Data Economy". The following observations can be...

Welcome to the formal opening of the SIRIUS and BigInsight centers by Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland. The event continues with an opening seminar for SIRIUS. Read more on the UiO webpage...

The 1st HealthInsight open workshop takes place on May 20th 2016 from 9:00-16:00, at Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo, Ole Johan Dahls hus, 5th floor (room 5462), Informatikksalen. HealthInsight is a program accepted by Research Council of Norway for seed funding. This workshop is a project kick-off with the purpose...

The SIRIUS annual report has been issued and is available on the web site. The report describes the aims and planned work for the centre. [button icon="fa-download" target="_blank" hover_type="default" text="Annual Report 2015" link=""][vc_separator type="transparent" thickness="50" up="25" down="0"]...