Join the 1st OTTR user forum! This event will take place virtually on Thursday 28th January 2021 at 12:00–14:00 CET. The purpose of the event is to let users of the OTTR framework share experiences and to meet the developers behind OTTR to discuss future directions....

The Tekna subject group on Big Data held a seminar on language processing on 22nd September 2020. Basil Ell from SIRIUS held one of two lectures in the program on What is Natural Language Processing, and what can it do?  The other lecture was held...

Declarative AI 2020: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions and Explanations 24 June - 1 July 2020 Oslo, Norway Welcome to Declarative AI 2020, an event co-organised by SINTEF AS, University of Oslo, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, under the umbrella of the SIRIUS Centre for Scalable Data Access....

Date: Friday 23rd August Time: 14:15-15.00 NB New Time! Place: SIRIUS meeting room (8459). 8th Floor, Ole-Johan Dahls hus. Chi Mai Nguyen, our new postdoctoral researcher at SIRIUS, will present a short introduction about SMT (a technique for deciding the satisfiability of properties expressed as of qualifier-free...